Ask, Seek and Knock!

Before we begin, I am going to drop this here, God is good! He is good not because He did something for you, He is good not because you wanted something now, and He just answered. He is good because it is His nature to be a good God!

Jesus said “Ask and it will be given to you, He said seek (to purse, to go after) and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. There is something my mum used to say when I was much younger, she would say a closed mouth is a closed destiny. We never really understood what she meant by that statement, but she always made that statement. Well, I think this is what it really means, if you want something speak up, learn to ask for what you want or need, this is also applicable to God, he wants us to ask Him, he wants us to speak up. Yes, he’s God he’s aware of what is on our mind, yet He still wants us to speak to him and be direct with him, that’s how a father- child relationship starts.

God is not a God of assumption! In as much as he knows what we need and what’s best for us He is still not going to assume for you. As a child of God, it is very important we know how to ask or pray right because having the correct knowledge on this will help us to receive from Him and how do we do that by asking in line according to the will of God.

Seek and you will find

I mentioned earlier that to seek means to go after to purse and to inquire. The word seek is an aggressive verb. There are different chapters in the bible that the word seek was used, we can see that in Mathew6:33, Psalm 27:8 and many more in the scriptures, if you do your research, you will see that. The goal is to seek after God, to go after Him, to pursue Him, to search for Him. This is because we need Him more that solutions, we need Him more than answers, we need Him more than blessings. He is the only one that can truly satisfy you and give you the Joy that you need.

Seek and you will find. This is also relatable to our very day life. Guys this hits differently to me.

Whatever you set your heart to do go after it. Habakuk2:2” And the Lord answered me right the vision make it plain upon tablets so he may run who reads it”. Whatever you want to do pursue it, make inquires, search for information, ask questions. Don’t just sit down and believe it will walk to you. Jesus said seek and you will find. Do you want to start a podcast, a YouTube channel, learn/master a skill, apply to a Job or maybe further your education, go after it pursue it, ask questions, put your self out there. You can’t be comfortable seeking for something. The work seek is an aggressive verb. I do not mean aggressive as per violence, I mean to be consistent, to be fervent, you must want to do it, so that you can find rest. Rest in the sense you can achieve it.

Knock and the door will be opened to you

Jesus said knock and the door will be opened to you. A lot of us know how to give up easily, in terms of the things and responsibility God has given us and this even affects our everyday lives. First Jesus said ask, He did not stop there, He said seek, He went further and said knock and the door will be opened to you. Jesus was describing the attitude through which children of God should bring their request to Him. I think this also mean we should keep on trying.

I mentioned earlier that a lot of people know how to easily get done. The bible did not say knock once or twice and the door will be opened. It did not specify how many times or how long we should knock, Jesus said knock and the door will be opened, so keep on trying, keep on moving, keep on pressing, keep on being persistent, keep on being fervent and the door will be opened to you; you will pull through.

A lot of us are trusting God for several things. We have prayed, fasted, and have sought the face of the Lord. The bible says when you pray believe in our heart that God has heard your prayers. Now you have believed in your heart, you trust God, but the situation remains the same. Do not stop there, take a step further, how is your confession? Start Confessing right. Maybe you have been confessing and speaking God’s word over it, but you have not seen any change, keep on speaking keep on declaring, keep on praying. The bible says, ‘continue therein’, keep at it, keep believing don’t give up and the bible says it will be opened, not may be opened, it will be opened to you, so its going to happen.

Being a Christian is a lot of work, this is because you have an enemy-the devil. The devil is a thief a murderer and a destroyer. As children of God, we must learn how to fight. The enemy is not joking with us friends he is out to attack your faith which is your belief system and if he succeeds your confession will change. Our best bet is to draw near to God and to His word

Culled by Eseosa

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