Sending Out the Twelve

After Jesus had chosen His twelve disciples, the bible said He anointed them with power to heal all kinds of diseases, He gave them power over unclean spirits and to cast them out. In the process of confirming them, Jesus gave them a charge, He said to them, ‘Do not go into the way of the gentiles or enter into a city of the Samaritans, but rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel preaching Gods kingdom is at hand“.

The lost sheep? The message translation refer to the lost sheep as people with disreputable characters. (Ouch sounds very direct lol). The lost sheep are people who do not know God and have not received Him as their Lord and personal Savior. Jesus says their lost, which means they have not found their identity in Christ, they are practically working in darkness; they have no light in them. What is Light? Light is truth, light is clarity, light is consciousness, it expels darkness in you.

I am trying to expatiate on the reasons why Jesus is focused and instructed His disciples to go after the lost sheep. The bible explains that the lost sheep(souls) have their minds darkened and their results are from the unfruitful works of darkness. The bible teaches that their souls are drowned in darkness(absence of light),they do not know what is good or evil.

Jesus is very concerned with people and He is more concerned with people who have not yet found their identity in Christ. Remember the parable of Jesus eating with sinners and the Pharisee were all over the place because of His act.(I think that Jesus found a lot of trouble with the Pharisee’s lol).But Jesus said to them, “For i came not to call the righteous, but sinners”. Jesus is a people person and very well concerned with reaching out. Overtime, the bible has told us that Jesus came to this world to reconcile men unto God, so he came for all, but most importantly He came for those who do not know Him.

The twelve disciples have done their part and as children of God, the bible says we have come into the family(body) of Christ. Jesus is commanding us with this same charge.

The word’ command”, is a strong verb, which means to make an announcement about something that must be done. The instruction to go into the lost sheep(souls) to reconcile them back to God should be the underlying reason why we do what we do. You know what friends, not everyone is going to stand on a pulpit, our God is a dynamic father, he has given us gift and grace to fulfil them. So whatever we find ourselves doing, our mindset should be reaching out and reconciling men to God, if you want to do music, your songs should uplift and reconcile men, if you want to vlog(YouTube),your lifestyle should speak faith and make people want to know your God.

Conclusively, Jesus was laying a foundation of His works to His disciples, he gave them a sense of direction concerning the scope of their mission and instructed them to the lost sheep because he wants them reconciled to God. Wao! God is a God of purpose! Do you see how he micro managed their purpose? He did not leave them all over the place with instructions. This leaves us a with a question, are you walking in purpose?

Purpose is a big word and we can never fully arrive there, we keep journeying into it. But as child of God, do you have a sense of direction? If you do not know, (that’s absolutely fine, its okay) because you know what, you can ask God, He is a loving father and trust me he will lead you into it. The opposite of being purposeful is living in idleness, I will further say walking disorderly, and do you know what the bible teaches about idleness? An idle mind is a fertile ground for the enemy to plant his evil thought.


Culled by Eseosa

4 thoughts on “Sending Out the Twelve

  1. Thank you dear Eseosa for this inspiring message, don’t stop writing as the Holy Spirit inspires you

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